Chef Introduction
Chef Introduction
4.8 ● 6 omtaler
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4.8 ● 6 omtaler
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Top-ratede kokke 4.8 ud af 5
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Mathis B.
4.8 (6 Omtaler)
Mathis B.
4.8 (6 Omtaler)
Verificeret kok
Priser fra 450 kr. pr. kuvert og en min. ordreværdi på 0 kr.
Bor i København S
Om kokken
På ChefMe siden 2023
My name is Mathis Bugel, I come from the city of nantes in france, I was trained by french starred chefs and have a solid experience in michelin starred restaurants.
I came to copenhagen for the opening of the fine dining restaurant "Haidan" where I was assistant head chef.
Now I would like to share with you my vision of cooking and make you spend an exceptional moment combining french cuisine and the influence of my background.
I pay a great attention to the selection of my products, and the fact that I born on the atlantic coast in france my cuisine is based on fish and seafood.
and do everything possible to stimulate your senses.
Looking forward to share a gastronomic moments with you and your entourage.
Bon appétit
Svarprocent: 100%
Svarprocent angiver, hvor mange procent af modtagne anmodninger, kokken besvarer.
Svartid: 10 timer
Svartid er det gennemsnitlige antal timer, det tager, før man modtager svar fra kokken.
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Kokkens tilvalg
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Delicious sourdough Bread served with a French Butter season with - -"Guérande" flake salt.
35 kr./kuvertSend en besked til kokken, hvis du har eventuelle spørgsmål eller for at få inspiration mulighederne til dit arrangement.
Skriv til kokken
- Kokken kommer på den aftalte adresse 1 time inden spisetid medmindre andet bliver aftalt.
- Vi trækker først pengene 14 dage før middagen.
- Ved afbestilling, vil din refundering blive bestemt ud fra vores afbestillingspolitik.
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6 Omtaler
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